Aikido History Aikido development and history The Photo Under this is of The Founder Of Aikido O’Sensei in his 80’s showing the power Of Aiki and kokyu-ho. MORIHEI UESHIBA O’SENSEI (December 14, 1883– April 26, 1969) Aikido’s founder, Morihei Ueshiba, was born in Japan on December 14, 1883. As a boy, he often saw local […]
Arkiv för oktober 2016
Ki Breathing by Koichi Tohei Sensei
Koichi Tohei sensei wrote a new book, ”Ki breathing (Ki no Kokyuho)” in Japanese on March 2005. This book has been a best selling book in Japan. Many people have started to study Ki through this book. Many overseas members requested us to translate this book into English. Therefore, we decided to translate this book […]
O’Sensei’s Lectures On the Philosophy Of Aikido
Aikido is the realization of Love. If you think that ”martial art” means to have opponents and enemies and to be strong and defeat them, you are mistaken. The true spirit of the martial arts is to be one with the universe and have no enemies. The essence of the martial arts is the spirit […]
Aikido in daily life
I try to consider Aikido as a part of life. It should not be a fanatical part of my life, but it should be a natural part of our lives as breathing or socializing with friends. It should not affect our family or our work, Aikido is not the life. At the same time Aikido influenced […]
The Four Basic Ki Principles by Koichi Tohei
The following collection is meant to help understanding of the unification of mind and body in different situations of the daily life and show some possibilities to practice. 4 Basic Principles for the unification of Mind and Body These Basic principles form the foundation of the Ki-Aikido: Keep One Point Relax Completely Keep weight underside […]
The Founder Of Aikido. Morihei Ueshiba 1883-1969
The founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba, was born on December 14, 1883, to a farming family in an area of the Wakayama Prefecture now known as Tanabe. Among five children, he was the only son. From his father Yoroku, he inherited a samurai’s determination and interest in public affairs, and from his mother an intense […]