General terms: 一般用語 (Ippan yōgo)
Aikidō – 合気道: The path to AIKI (合気)
Dōjō – 道場: Träningslokal, the place where we practice Aikido.
Rei – 礼 (れい): Hälsning, to bow
Reishiki – 礼式 (れいしき): Etiquette, manners.
Onegai shimasu – おねがい します: Please, let’s have a nice practice. Always said at the beginning of every class and beginning the practice with a partner.
Arigatou gozaimashita – ありがとう ございました: Thank you very much. Always used at the end of practice, when bowing to the instructor.
Tori – 取り (とり): The one who does the technique in aikido, also called Nage (投げ, なげ) or Shi’te ( 指手, して)
Uke – 受け (うけ): The one receiving the technique, attacker in aikido
Aite: “den hjälpande handen”, partner i träningen / “helping hand”, training partner
Atemi – 当て身: slag mot kroppens lymfkörtlar / “striking the body’s Lymph nodes”
Chikara – 力: kraft, power
Directions: 方向 Hōkō【ほうこう; direction; orientation; bearing; way.
Hō – 方: Direction, way
Mae – 前 (まえ): In front (of), forward, ahead
Ushiro – 後 (うしろ): Back, backwards
Yoko 横: horizontal (as opposed to vertical); lying down; side-to-side (as opposed to front-to-back); side (of a box, etc.); beside; aside; next to.
Omote - 表 (おもて): surface, face (i.e. the visible side of an object), forward direction, or in the front side of the opponent.
Ura – 裏 (うら): opposite side; bottom; other side; side hidden from view; undersurface; reverse side; rear; back; behind, backward direction or in the rear side of the opponent.
Omote and Ura is the same as Yin & Yang in the Japanese culture.
Stance: 身構え|身がまえ Migamai【みがまえ】; posture; attitude.
Hanmi – 半身 (はんみ): stance with legs in an L-shape, with one leg bent in front and other extended behind (martial arts, traditional theater); half-facing stance. Composed by the two kanji 半 (はん, han) = half; 身 (み, mi) = body.
Kamae – 構え (かまえ): structure; appearance; posture (e.g., in martial arts); pose; stance.
Migi hanmi – 右半身 (みぎはんみ): right foot forward half-facing stance.
Hidari hanmi – 左半身 (ひだりはんみ): left foot forward half-facing stance
Ai Hanmi - 相半身 (あいはんみ): same half-facing stance (both are either in left or right stance)
Gyaku hanmi - 逆半身 (ぎゃくはんみ): opposite half-facing stance (one is in left stance and the other in right, for example)
Attacks: 攻撃 【こうげき】; attack; assault; raid; onslaught; offensive
Tori – 取り|取 【とり】; taking; taker; collecting; collector; remover; take, catch, grab
Uchi – 打ち (うち): hit; batting
Tsuki – 突き (つき): punch, strike
Atemi – 当て身 (あてみ): slag mot kroppens lymfkörtlar / “striking the body’s Lymph nodes”; strike to the body.
Katate dori – 片手 取り (かたて どり): one hand (of a pair); Grip one of two wrist; one (of a pair)
Ai hanmi katate dori – 相半身 片手 取り (あい はんみ かたて どり): wrist grip in the same stance, right on right or left on left.
Gyaku hanmi katate dori – 逆半 身片手 取り (ぎゃく はんみ かたて どり): wrist grip in reverse stance, left hand takes right or right takes left.
Kōsa dori – 交差取り (こうさ どり): same as Ai hanmi katate dori.
Morote dori – もろ手取り(もろてどり): grip of one arm with both hands, also called Katate ryotedori.
Katate ryōte dori – 片手両手取り (かたてりょうてどり): grip of one arm with both hands, also called Morote dori.
Ryōte dori – 両手取り(りょうてどり): gripping both wrists.
Ushiro ryōte dori – 後ろ両手取り (うしろりょうてどり): gripping both wrists from the back, from behind, also called Ushiro ryō tekubi dori.
Ushiro ryō tekubi dori - 後ろ両手首取り (うしろりょうてくびどり): gripping both wrists from the back, from behind, also called Ushiro ryōte dori.
Katadori - 肩取り (かたどり): shoulder grip.
Ryō kata dori – 両肩取り (りょうかたどり): grip to both shoulders.
Ushiro ryō kata dori – 後ろ両肩取り (うしろりょうかたどり): grip to both shoulders from behind.
Hijidori – 肘取り (ひじどり): grip on elbow.
Ryōhiji dori – 両肘取り (りょうひじどり): grip on both elbows.
Ushiro ryō hiji dori – 後ろ両肘取り (うしろりょうひじどり): grip on both elbows from behind.
Mune dori – 胸取り (むねどり): collar grip by the chest.
Eri dori – 襟取り (えりどり): collar grip by the neck.
Kubishime – 首締め (くびしめ): neck choke.
Shōmen uchi – 正面打ち (しょうめんうち): cut or blow to the center of the head.
Yokomen uchi – 横面打ち (よこめんうち): strike to the side of the head.
Katadori menuchi: 肩取り面打ち (かたどりめんうち): shoulder grip followed by shomenuchi.
Jodan tsuki – 上段突き (じょうだんつき): strike at the upper level of the body (head).
Chudan tsuki – 中段突き (ちゅだんつき): strike at the middle level of the body (belly/solar plexus).
Gedan tsuki – 下段突き (げだんつき): strike to the lower level of the body, compared to chudan.
General Practice Terms 一般開業医の用語 (Ippan kaigyōi no yōgo):
Tandoku dōsa – 単独動作 (たんどくどうさ): individual practice.
Ukemi – 受け身 (うけみ): falling technique.
Ashi-sabaki – 足捌き (あしさばき): footwork.
Tai-sabaki – 体捌き (たいさばき): body move, evasive movement.
Mae ukemi – 前受け身 (まえうけみ): forward fall.
Ushiro ukemi – 後 受け身 (うしろうけみ): backward fall.
Yoko ukemi – 横受け身 (よこうけみ): Side fall.
Shikkō – 膝行(しっこう), moving forward by sliding on one’s knees (in the presence of high-ranking individuals).
Ayumi ashi – 歩み足 (あゆみあし): alternating steps, left and right, like normal walking.
Tsugi ashi – 次足 (つぎあし): following step, where the rear foot is brought up close to the front then the front foot moves forward to the normal kamai/hanmi distance.
Okuri ashi – 送り足 (おくりあし): sliding step, where the front foot is advanced then the rear foot brought forward to the normal Kamae/hanmi distance.
Kaiten – 回転(かいてん): 180 degrees turn, rotation in place (on the toes).
Irimi – 入り身 (いりみ): into the body, inwards.
Tenkan – 転換 (てんかん) or Tai no henkō – 体の変更 (たいのへんこう) or Tai no tenkan – 体の転換 (たいのてんかん): body turn.
Irimi tenkan – 入り身転換 (いりみてんかん): entering and turning the body.
Irimi-sokumen – 入り身側面 (いりみそくめん): lateral entering.
Torifune – 取り船 (とりふね) or funekogi undō – 船漕ぎ運動 (ふねこぎうんどう): rowing exercise (undō 運動 means Motion or Exercices).
Shihō-giri 一 四方切 : 4 directions cut.
Happō-giri 一 八方切 : 8 directions cut.
Ikkyo shihōgiri 一教 四方切 : 4 directions movement with Ikkyo entrance.
Shomen uchi shihōgiri 正面打ち四方切 : 4 directions movement performing Shomenuchi strike.
Ikkyo Happōgiri 一教 八方切 : 8 directions movement with Ikkyo entrance.
Shomen uchi happōgiri 正面打ち八方切 : 8 directions movement performing Shomenuchi strike.
Ikkyo undō 一教運動 : enter with both arms forward in the tegatana (手刀) position, used also in combination of previous shihōgiri or happōgiri movements.
Sōtai dōsa – 相対 動作 (そうたい どうさ): practice with a partner
General terms: 一般用語 (Ippan yōgo)
Suwariwaza – 座り技 (すわりわざ): sitting training
Tachiwaza – 立ち技 (たちわざ): standing training (corrected thanks to David’s comment below!)
Hanmi handachiwaza – 半身半立ち技 (はんみはんだちわざ): sitting versus standing
Jiyu waza – 自由伎 : free techniques from free attack
Futaridori : defense against 2 attackers holding statically with grabbing techniques
Futarigake : defense against 2 attacker using dynamic striking or grabbing techniques
Taninzugake (Kakarigeiko) 多人数掛け: multiple attackers, more than three (see also randori).
Tantodori 短刀取り: disarming techniques against knife attack
Tachidori 太刀取り: disarming techniques against sword attack
Jodori 杖取り: disarming techniques against stick attack
Jonage 杖投げ: defense techniques using the stick actively to throw the attacker (whose intention is taking the stick from you)
Techniques – 技 (Waza)
Ikkyo 一教 : (ude osae): 1. principle; den första läran / oshi taoshi, ude osae; first principle, control of the elbow
Nikkyo 二教 : 2. principle = kote mawashi, kotemaki
Sankyo 三教 : 3. principle = kote hineri, shibori-kime, a rotational wristlock that directs upward-spiraling tension throughout the arm, elbow and shoulder
Yonkyo 四教 : 4. principle = tekubi osae
Gokkyo 五教 : 5. principle = kuji-osae
Rokkyo – 六教: 6. principle =hiji-kime-osae or waki-katame or ude-hishigi.
Nanakyo – 七教: 7. principle = Yonkyo applied to back of wrist
Hakyo – ハ教: 8. principle = kote-ori-kakae-kimi, kuji-dori = Nikyo in which his elbow is in your armpit and his hand is pulled forward; Pinning their hand with your foot
Kukyo – 九教: 9. principle = Inverted nanakyo
Sumiotoshi 隅落 : corner drop, move the contact with the partner to the blind point
Shihonage 四方投げ : four-direction throw
Kotegaeshi 小手返し : wristlock-throw
Iriminage 入身投げ : entrance throw
Kokyunage 呼吸投げ : literally, breath throw, a system of throwing techniques by using more center and hips and relaxation than locks for unbalance the opponent, and then terminating by projection
Tenchinage – 天地投げ : literally, heaven and earth throw where tori unbalance uke by extending one arm completely upward and the other completely downward
Kaiten nage 回転投げ : a group of Kokyunage techniques using the foot movement kaiten – 2 versions:
Uchi kaiten nage (内回転投げ), “inside” throw, tori enters between uke‘s arm and uke‘s body (内 means inside, internal, inner)
Soto kaiten nage (外回転投げ), “outside” throw, tori stay on the side of ukes arm and ukes body (外 means outer, outside, external)
Koshinage 腰投げ : hip throw, similar to Judo
Jujinage 十字投げ : cross arm throw
Weapon Practice – Bukiwaza 武器技 : “Weapons technique.” Generic term for weapons practice
Tantō 短刀 : Dagger or knife (practice tantō is made from wood).
Bokken 木剣 : Wooden practice sword (also called bokutō 木刀)
Tachi 太刀 : Sword (antiquated term)
Ken 剣 : Sword
Jō 杖 : Wooden staff (typically 50” to 56” long)
The following are the 5 stances of weapon work: jōdan, chūdan, gedan, hassō and waki – originally form kendo but of course applicable to all sword and also short staff practice; some also used in naginata and long staff
- Jōdan-gamae 上段構え : A sword stance. Jōdan is upper-level. In jōdan-gamae, the sword is raised up so that the hilt is held in front of the forehead and the tip points obliquely behind toward the sky
- Chūdan-no-kamae (chūdan-gamae) 中段の構え : A sword stance. Chūdan means mid-level. In chūdan-gamae, the tip of the sword is pointed toward the base of the opponent’s throat
- Gedan-no-kamae (gedan-gamae) 下段の構え : A sword stance. Gedan means lower level. The tip of the sword is lowered so that it points toward the ground
- Hassō-no-kamae 八相の構え : “all (eight) directions” stance, it is an offensive stance, named for one’s ability to respond to a situation in any direction
- Waki-gamae 脇構え : a stance involving the swordsman hiding the length of one’s own blade behind their body, only exposing the pommel to the opponent. This stance was common when there was no standard length of sword and was often used as a deterrent to any opponents who did not know the range of the sword being hidden and could be used as a sort of bluff technique. It also serves to conceal the orientation of the blade to one’s opponent, as to give him no hint about your own intention for the next attack
Tachidori 太刀取り : Sword take-away technique (generic)
Tachiware 太刀割れ : The act of “splitting the sword.” Describes a sword strike that displaces an opponent’s sword to take the center line
Jōdori 杖取り : Jō takeaway techniques
Jōnage 杖投げ : Throwing techniques executed with the jō
Tantōdori 短刀取り : Knife take-way technique (generic)
Kumijō 組杖 : Paired stick (Jo) practice of pre-established kata or forms
Kumitachi 組太刀 : Paired sword practice of pre-established kata or forms
hakama: vida byxor / split skirt, wide-legged pants
hara 腹: mage
ikkyō (ude osae): den första läran / first teaching
irimi: “entering”
iriminage 入身投げ : entering throw
irimi tenkan 入身転換:
jō : stave / short staff
jūjinage 十字投げ: figure-ten throw
jutsu: teknik
kaeshi-waza 返し技: reversal techniques
kaitennage 回転投げ: rotary throw
kamae 構え: grundposition
kesagiri: ett diagonellt hugg
ki: energi, livskraft, anda
kiri: skära, hugga
kokoro: hjärta; vilja / heart; will
kokyu 呼吸: andning (ko = inandning, kyu = utandning); inre kraft; universums kraft / breath (ko = inhalation, kyu = exhalation)
kokyuho 呼吸法: andningsövning; kastteknik
kokyūnage 呼吸投げ: breath throw
koshinage 腰投げ: hip throw
kotegaeshi 小手返し: forearm return
ma ai 間合い: combat engagement distance
mae ukemi: framåtfall
marui: att pivotera
mokuso 黙想: blunda: meditation / close the eyes; meditation
mune-tsuki 胸突き: chest thrust, a punch to the torso
nikyō (kote mawashi): den andra läran / second teaching
omote 表: framsida / “front”
rokkyō (hiji kime osae): den sjätte läran / sixth teaching
ryu: skola
sankyō (kote hineri): den tredje läran / third teaching
seiza: “proper sitting”
sensei 先生: tränare, lärare / instructor, teacher
seoi otoshi 背負落: shoulder drop
shihōnage 四方投げ: four-direction throw
shōmen uchi 正面打ち: front-of-the-head strike
soto 外: “outside”
sumi otoshi 隅落: corner drop
tai otoshi 体落: body drop
tai sabaki: body movement
tantō: kniv / knife
tatami: matta / mat
tenchinage 天地投げ: heaven-and-earth throw
tenkan 転換: “turning”
tsuki 突き: strike, thrust
uchi 内: “inside”
udegarami 腕絡み: arm entanglement
udekimenage 腕極め投げ: arm extension throw
uke 受け: angriparen / receiver of the technique, attacker
ukemi 受身: “receiving with the body”, the act of receiving a technique
ura 裏: “rear”
waza: technique, art, skill
yokomen uchi 横面打ち: side-of-the-head strike
yonkyō (kote osae): den fjärde läran / fourth teaching